January 01, 2008

Albert's New Year Paddle

Keith graciously hosted a paddle on New Year's Day for Albert and his friends. Albert has been fighting cancer for the past few months. You can read his story at Albert's Blog

A huge turn out for the paddle (some 60 - 80) filled the dock and parking at Jack London Square to capacity. I was late as I was reading the story in the recent Sea Kayaker Magazine about the guy trying to paddle across Lake Michigan. As often happens when one runs late, I forgot my nice roast beef sandwich lunch, hat, and paddle. Well, I had half a Tooksok and half a Mitchell paddle which does not equal one whole paddle. Fortunately, Kieth saved the day and lent me a Aquabound Manta Ray paddle. I rather liked the paddle and would recommend you try it out if you have some Christmas money to spend.

Most the crowd paddled to the estuary entrance, mugged for a group photo and paddled back to CCK for a big potluck lunch. Bob Stender stood on the rocky point and snap a group photo.

Twentyone kayakers continued on with a circumnavigation of Alameda Island (see the route map) under the direction of Jesse. While the group stopped at Robert Crown Beach for lunch, Susan , Jack, and I (those without lunch) pressed on to Jack London Square. When we cruised by Government Island, we got a close up look at the Coast Guard cutter Boutwell. You can read about the Boutwell's recent exploits at this link.

Happy New Year to each of you!! Thank you so much Keith for a great day on the Bay and check out the photos.
Bob Stender's great photos.

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